Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Naomi Hamilton 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/18/1998 
Entry: 18th August. Well, I removed the marl as 3386, and as usual it turned into two layers! - the top one is 3386, which overlies a brown deposit over a lower marl/plaster layer which may be the ultimate core of the whole feature. It may join with the big chunk to the east which runs vertically up under the brown horn-shaped thing. I removed the brown horn-shaped thing as 3394, and it turned out to be smeared along the side of the vertical marl chunk, so it was not as long/impressive as it first appeared. Either below it mid-way along, or part of it, was a squarish chunk of the same brown material abutting possible bricks of a loose grey/brown matrix. On the south this runs along the line of the marl chunk, on the north it has a coating of 3300 marl, showing that the grey and orange brickettes running up to the west wall are part of the same thing as the horn-shaped stuff - ie. It's all part of F279, not two separate things. So I've made headway in understanding it, but still have a few more bits to take off before getting down to just bricks at the base.Entered By: Naomi Hamilton 
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