Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Jana Rogasch 
Date: 8/10/2009 
Entry: I cleaned, photographed and drew Space 310 today.

After having removed the first spit of roomfill (18303) whose NW corner contained a lot of animal bones, four clusters of large pot sherds appeared in the NW corner (18320), along the N wall (18319), along the E wall (18323) and in the SW (18321) of the space. I decided to attribute unit numbers to these clusters in order to be able to collect the sherds and artefacts seperate from the next spit of room fill (18318). 18323 and 18321 both contain one stone artefact up to now.
Because of a confusion about Unit number 18322 being taken out twice today, I relabelled the cluster along the Ewall as 18323 - please mind that in the diary entries and documentation of my colleagues this cluster in Sp 310 might still be called 18323.

IF came out today and took five samples of clay lumps and a bit that might be red ocre (room fill Unit 18318 - samples X3-X7). He recommended me to continue taking samples of materials that might be interesting for finding out about raw materials for the pottery production.
The spots from where the samples were taken are marked on the drawing sheet (09/208). 
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