Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Naomi Hamilton 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/22/1998 
Entry: 22nd August. F279 is changing! I took off a white marly skim - as I thought - from the south edge, only to find that it cleaned off a curved edge of an interior semi-circular marl 'thing' with a flat top - almost like a platform of some kind. There seems to be an outer curved surface of later date too. Perhaps it is a work area? That would agree more with it being attached to the wall. A rather precarious discussion during the priority tour ranged over the suggestions that it should either have been lifted whole or mattocked long ago. Having got this far, I'm going to finish - it's getting interesting now, or at least it may produce some answers to our questions now - but I would have been prepared to either lift it (I offered to) or mattock the top and just examine the lower part for evidence of place and purpose. Too late now.

Another finds mix-up. We had to have stuff ready for the reps to look at, and last night I cleared my desk so I could arrange things, and this involved putting my in-box on top of my out-box to make space. Some time during today, when the lab should have been locked anyway, they took away everything in my in-box in the belief that it was finished with - and didn't actually take the things from the out-box! It's going to take some work getting it all back, as it clearly wasn't all logged back into the finds lab - they only fished out 11 things, and unfortunately I know I had far more than that in my back-log. I haven't the time or energy to sort it out today, but when will I have?Entered By: Naomi Hamilton 
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