Entry: | -------------------- General --------------------
Excavation continued in Space 342, Unit 18311, accompanied by SRW.
-------------------- Unit 18311 --------------------
The decision was made to clear Unit 18311 in order to reach the layer of brown material which had been previously exposed in the NE corner of the same unit. In the process of clearing around the Northern buttress I recovered a cluster of obsidian blades and flakes which were dislodged slightly in the process. A photographic record was taken, though it was not deemed necessary to record the cluster by a detailed plan.
The recovery of diagnostic finds (by which I mean those indicating the use of Space 342 as a pottery workshop) continued throughout the day, including a ground-stone 'ring' (later identified as a possible slow-wheel base) and two worked-ceramic paddles. These accompany the single worked-ceramic paddle recovered yesterday (from Unit ?). In addition to the ochre pieces, and lumps of unfired ceramic, it seems clear that Unit 18311 represents a fill of pottery-manufacture debris, though it is too early to claim that Space 342 was a dedicated 'pottery workshop' (indeed, the objects so far recovered may simply be fill). I will feel more certain in making such an identification if such materials/debris are recovered from the living/working floor of Space 342.
The clearing of Unit 18311 was not completed by the close of the day, such that the first task of tomorrow will be to complete this task. It is hoped that, after recording, we may further remove the fill of Space 342 with a view to reaching the living/working floor. |