Entry: | -------------------- General --------------------
Today work was split between Space 342 (Units 18311 and 18328) and Space 343 (Unit 18314).
-------------------- Unit 18311 --------------------
SRW and I cleared the remaining chalky fill from Unit 18311, leveling to an arbitrary surface defined as Unit 18328. A photograph was taken of 18311, which records the consistent density of the fill in this layer (including ground stone, tools and ceramic material). A second large chunk of possible painted plaster was recorded as a sample from the western side of 18311, though this may turn-out to be burnt mud-brick. Its orange colouration is telling, however.
-------------------- Unit 18328 --------------------
Unit 18328 occupies the same spatial area as that of Unit 18311, yet will consist of the fill and materials to a depth of a (possible) 10-15 cm, this being the depth which, from the 'window' of strata revealed by Cut (?), this fill must at least extend to. The ground stone object resting against the Northern buttress was issued as an X-find of 18328, to be removed with the excavation of this new Unit.
Level readings were taken for Unit 18328, while co-ordinate readings were also taken for the 'daily sketch' (those of Unit 18310 and 18328). There has been some delay in getting such readings for the daily-sketch from Space 342, which is in many regards lamentable on our part.
-------------------- Unit 18314 --------------------
With PTW, JFB and EMM clearing of the fill in Unit 18314 continued apace. It remains unclear why the material from Unit 18314 is sterile in comparison to Space 342. There was some uncertainty regarding the status of a possible feature in the Northern section of this Space, though this debate continued largely while I was working in Space 342. |