Entry: | Diary for 13.08.
I continued drawing the clusters in Space 310. Finished 18323 and started taking out finds. IF joined me for a while and recommended labelling some characteristic sherds / bones as X-finds in order to be able to document their exact position, which we did. The soil directly under the half pot X8 contained yellowish clay and phytoliths which were photographed and taken as a sample (S1 of 18323). When taking of the sherds from the densly clustered sherds in the part furthest to the West (see drawing), it turned out that their sides facing down were blackened with ash/ charcoal and some had phytoliths sticking to them. Under one of the sherds another, unfired and painted sherd became visible (X9). Photos were taken of this as well. Another sample was taken from the room fill in between the sherds of cluster 18323 (red pigment, S13 of 18318) as well as a sample of white lime or chalk next to the south section (S14). |