Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Naomi Hamilton 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 9/5/1998 
Entry: 5th September. I've been off for a week, away, and I visited a chalcolithic site where they have what they call bull head grinding platforms. I saw a complete one in situ, and it looked very like F279 - it had a central convex curve at the back in vertical plastered brick (or something like), and either side a long curved 'horn' extension. In front was a semi-circular (perhaps elongated) platform with a grinding stone embedded in it. There is no stone in F279 of course, but I did think it could be a grinding platform when I had the semi-circular white flat area, and seeing this one has revived my interest in that theory.
On site today I was back to finishing the western end on F279 - I thought it would be a simple matter of taking off a small deposit overlying the bricky stuff 3350, but when I did what I found it had a thin layer of plaster up the side, linking it to neighbouring deposits and also running downward, dividing what I had thought was a single deposit of 3350 into a major one covered in plaster, and a thinner one around the western edge. So as ever there is more to it than I thought, and it will take another day or two to finish.
Hardly got any lab work done either, what with sorting out various finds in the lab, putting the skeleton data on the burial database I collate, I only got around to recording two figurines (not sketched yet either), and after dinner was a methodology meeting which I thought would be short but went on for two hours! So it's too late to work more now - it'll have to wait, and at this rate I'll only get two more days on site, or perhaps three, as I'll have to get the lab work done. It looks as though all the complete beads are going to the museum, so I'll have to record them properly, whereas I had intended just to log some and leave them for the bead person next year.Entered By: Naomi Hamilton 
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