Entry: | Since I was not in the field yesterday, I at first was assigned to join SRW in Space 342 Unit 18341 and 18346 that we had been working on previously. I assisted for the morning session in helping to measure unit 18346 for a plan. It was difficult to keep all the strings and tape measures in place while walking around the space with two people working on it. There is some ambiguity with the lines of the outer plaster (facing into the space) with where it begins and ends, as some of it must have removed by either us or otherwise modified. This surface that we are planning has a number of X finds that have been removed and that were mapped in today onto the plan, some debate as to whether it was a floor or a cultural surface (maybe a basement). It was colder than it has been of late this morning, requiring a sweatshirt to work in the shade, which actually kind of helped the fact that more mosquitos were out. I was then placed to start a plan for the bench that we have in space 342, which is so far feature 3303 on the east side of this space. It appears to have continuations going around the space (north), which binds with 3303 and has plaster lines separating it from wall 5051 and 2424, as well as the buttress 5061. This was given a separate feature number than 3303, in case it is not actually the relationship we think it is, where we have 3310 and 3311. 3311 is on the western side of 5061 buttress (where 3310 was on the eastern side, and the buttress itself is on the northern border of the space 342). 3311 is only partially exposed, but the plaster lines and mudbrick layer is apparent enough for us to distinguish it from the rest of the space and to think it is a continuation of the bench possibly going around this space. Not sure if we are going to conclude whether these all go together this year, as we are not down far enough to expose what is really going on and we are very near our conclusion of this year's seasonal work. The other option might be in my mind some kind of earlier wall may have been included into this space, as the buttresses are now "floating", where no mortar and mudbrick layers are visible anymore where unit 18346 has begun (and part of 18341 we saw it as well). I guess we will find out eventually. |