Excavation Diary Entry

Name: JMR 
Date: 8/25/2009 
Entry: Today I scraped away the rest of the room fill 18343 in order to expose the surface in which I believe now and which was attributed the Unit number 18348. I also fully exposed the plaster on the N wall 3313, F 3315 and the the floor/ collapse feature U 18349 until the level of the surface 18438 which will be the end level for this season. Both the plaster on 3313 and 3315 are painted red; sherds, bones and small finds are sticking vertically in front of the plaster (x40, x50 in front of 3313 and x52 and x49 in front of 3315).
Unit 18349 reaches further underneath the present level in Sp310 and probably also further West and maybe South. At the moment the most probable interpretation to me seems to be that of a floor which is only preserved in the corner, including some fragments lying in front of it. Maybe, however, next season it will turn out to be another kind of construction.

F 3315 remains a point of discussion. Today it became clear that in the middle part, it looks different than seen yesterday. Rather than sloping, forming a break and than going down vertically, it would form another sharp break, go in again, form another break and then go down vertically; so it would be like a pointy plastered mud brick construction protruding from wall 3314. Nobody can really think of any function of this feature at the moment. We will see more of it next season.

In the end of the day I found a small clay-bukranion in the bucket that came from the sieve. It is quite a neat artefact; it is very sad that I did not spot it in situ, it can only come from the very Eastern side of the room fill 18343, though, as this is the only part I removed soil today.

The next days will be filled with documenting and drawing the present situation in Space 310 including all four elevations. 
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