Entry: | 4/8/98 Planned/excavated layer - apparent occupation deposit as the 4 units [3148], [3149], [3155] and [3156]. When excavating the first of these units [3148] took off a little of another unit ( later no. [ ? ], which then realised was lying across the NW corner of the trench and that [ 3148] etc. was immediately adjacent to it and possibly lipping just over its edge - relatively clean, brown layer in contrast to [3148] so considered that possibly a floor layer. Completed excavation of the 4 units. Then looking at 2 small apparent remnants of material at the far W. end of the trench against the wall including small layer of plaster - these overlying the new unit that had identified. WM at this point and discussing these units with her and SF. as strat. the next units to remove realised that appear to be part of platform that visible in section - the very base of the platform that visible in section - another unit of platform identified at this point so 4 in total. As far as I remember although this platform identified in section in previous season(s) not identified as extending into the trench more than a couple of cm’s. ? Straightened and cleaned section up at this point for BM to take samples. Planned plaster layer [3159].Entered By: Richard Turnbull |