Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Lisa Yeomans 
Date: 7/31/2010 
Entry: We have been working in B.96 in the south area which abuts the western wall of the unexposed building below B.76 and the eastern wall of Sp.365. It comprises of a main room Sp.370 and a northern storage room Sp.444 and the southern part of the building extends beyond the LOE. The building infill was heavily truncated by pitting and so far we have been taken out the western part of the fill to be certain that there no remaining pits. This showed no unexcavated pits were left before we started removing the infill. The infill is a combination of wall collapse, a significant amount of plaster collapse especially on the western side of the room, as well as more midden like material especially towards the south of the building. So far a number of features have come up in the room including a post-scar on the northern and the western walls and an unusual post-scar in the NW corner of the room adjacent to a crawl-hole into the northern storage room. Like B.79 and B.80 there would have been a wall feature on the western wall. Additionally, as with these building, there is no trace of paint used in the building at least in the plaster layers exposed and in the plaster collapse. This seems to be a feature of the buildings around this level and area of the site whereby the walls are just plastered. The northern side room has been heavily truncated by Mellaart’s excavation. 
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