Excavation Diary Entry

Name: SCS 
Date: 8/8/2010 
Entry: Excavator's log, stardate whatever .

This day was spent trying to shed some light on an area sourrounded by very lovely orange coulered, annoyingly compact, far too young and probably heavily disturbed mudbricks, which are also known as unit 15148.
At first I tried to clarify the situation, scraping and cleaning the surface which had been declared to be unit 15146 earlier by B. In the end (after mounting frustration) it was the spritzing (this word should be forbidden, it hurts my eyes more than the pinkness of EMM's screen), that did some good. We now seemed to be able to identify a huge and unshapely disturbance of the grave (which is feature 3316), which we started to excavate . Maybe we will later be able to distinguish between a disturbance and a fill between the mudbricks, at the moment it seems to be one big blob of brownish dark, pretty compact soil, which we at first gave the unit number 15166 only to be corrected by JR later on: there was already a number for it (our trenchmaster does her job well obviously), which is 15149.
While I started the excavation in the Western part of 15149
( I do have the unquencheable urge to note somewhere "playing a Red Indian as always in a Western"),
JFB (and LKH) began to excavate the skeleton, of which they found parts of articulated feet, 'though most of the rest seemed pretty destroyed and scattered. This unarticulatedness might be caused by the large disturbance (many annoying little burrow-building beasties campaigning against us or rather one lonely looter?) or maybe these [so far] few bones belong to the individual buried above.
Who knows?
Maybe we.
One day.
In the future.
In the not too far future, I do hope.

Back to business.
At the very Western edge of 15149 I found a pretty large brick in an L-shape, which I thought pretty cool.
Someone told me to chuck it.
It is not yet chucked. :-P
I think.

To my delight there was a plaster line waiting to be found about 8cm deep in the western part of 15149. Being able to identify it quite improved my mood that was deteriorating, as I was feeling frustrated at my frustration of my inexperience considering burials, cuts, mudbrick and what to do when hitting humans bones.
Well inexperience gets transformed into experience by experiencing. What I'm doing right now. So what do I get annoyed?
SCS out. 
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