Entry: | Hopefully last day of U.15158. Levelled the SE corner, dominated by roomfill – construction debris as in the West side. I defined an arbitrary division from pit U.15160. Levelling the floor clarified a new U-shaped plaster line on the East side, suggesting a fourth buttress opposite F.5052. My only source of doubt at the moment is a dark, roughly rectangular patch in front of at said fourth buttress. I expected it to form a wall as it looked like mudbrick. However, the dark patch was defined by a plaster line on one side, and nothing on the other side, and I found artefacts lying in it – large pot sherds and bones. If the dark patch is a wall, it must be older, and under my unit. Talking to XFB, excavating in U.15159/151570 gives more evidence that there may indeed be a wall – he found a parallel plaster line to the North. |