Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Richard Turnbull 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/17/1998 
Entry: 17/8/98
TC working in space 150- excavating oven - excavated [3372]. Planned/excavated layer immediately under [3381] - planned /excavated 3rd layer at the rear S. end of the oven [3384] which contained many clay ball fragments. (Hopefully) - close to the bottom of the sequence for this oven now. WM up this morning - discussed removing baulk with her and leaving a smaller block so we could follow layers trough but then on cleaning decided that would be useful to leave baulk in after all. Floor plaster layers visible & layer(s) down to S. end appear to be make-up. Also some other distinct probable make-up layers visible. At E. end of the trench decided that the plaster wall layer [3371] was stratigraphically free - so planned/excavated that, and identified small layer beneath [3385], planned/excavated, except for small part of both layers left in baulk.Entered By: Richard Turnbull 
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