Excavation Diary Entry

Name: PTW 
Date: 8/9/2010 
Entry: Today was full of revelations. The space where I have been excavating has now been defined as Sp. 447. Sometime before breakfast I discovered a compact surface, which turned out to be a plastered floor (Unit 15167) interfaced with the surrounding walls, visible via continuous plaster application. Soon after reaching the floor throughout most of the space, I made an intriguing discover just on northwest the corner of buttress F.3319. Located just under a cluster of large potsherds that were removed yesterday (15163.X5), was an apparent stone mortar sitting atop of a vertically propped animal horn. Whether it is part of the fill or an installation remains to be determined. It has been deemed F.3325, and will hopefully be clarified early in the day tomorrow by exploring its structure and association with the surfaces around and underneath it. Also worth noting is the unfortunately undocumented discovery of a matching horn which came out of the fill somewhere near the cluster (F.3325).

The eastern limit of the space is now apparent in the plan, a wall F. 3323, making Sp. 447 quite modest in terms of scale (bounded also by F.5075 to the west and F.5067 to the north). Only the southern boundary remains unclear due to the limits of the Trench this season. I think tomorrow will be an even more interesting day still. 
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