Excavation Diary Entry

Name: SCS 
Date: 8/10/2010 
Entry: Excavator's log.
After spending some time "teasing out" the remains of plaster along the walls in space 345, unit 15168 (and being shown by our resident trenchmaster that this can be done faster than I was doing it), I remembered to bag the usual samples. As I had forgotten to take them yesterday (shame on me and ashes on my tomatoes) and there wasn't much soil left, the samples I took today are a bit undersized and the coordinates I gave aren't quite accurate, as it was scraped from all over the place. Upsala.
It may be interesting, that I found a small rosé-coulored ball of clay at the northern wall and a tiny bit of some kind of red pigment at the western wall.
I hope, my trespassing into the homes of animals won't be prosecuted. Or else I'd face quite a lot of charges.
Well, I cleaned the surface, a photo was taken and the x-find removed. It was this round thingy I mentioned in the las log-entry: turned out to be a disk of unburnt clay, no idea what it was used for. The boss thinks it might have something to do with pottery production. Dunno. Sadly it broke when I took it out. Note: On the bottom were traces of phytolite.
The cleaned surface was given a new unit number (15172) and I was allowed to employ my artistic talents. Drawing is fun. :-)
Afterwards the excavation of the new unit began. Starting at the northern wall I was rewarded with three large bones (one had been sticking out since probably last year), several rather large sherds and two obsidian pieces, which I left in situ. This is were the exciting video clip was shot. Actually a rather nice setting. ;-P
Following this detour into the world of movie-making, which, I'm sure, will one day multiply my chances of getting into Hollywood by at least 100, I continued my way southwards. I almost reached the buttress, where I came upon a large stone. It isn't yet fully excavated but might be a grinding stone. Or something else. I'll see tomorrow.
All in all I'm getting slowly a feel for plaster, animal homes and clay inclusions and - leaving human burials behind me - I'm back on a bit more familiar grounds.
SCS out. 
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