Entry: | Today, BOD drew the features we defined yesterday after levelling the area in the NE corner of the trench (F.5052, 5057, 3321, 3320,3322, 3326, 3324). JFB drew the floor (15170) in Space 446. EMM finished taking out cluster U.15160 and defined the outline of F.3324 facing towards Space 449. It is now very clear that the sherds of 15160 cluster along this wall.
PTW finished the room fill U.15163 in Space 447 and finished exposing the plaster of the walls (F.5075, 5067, 3319) and the floor (15167). This plastered floor does not seem to continue into the narrow space between F.5075 and 3319, maybe it is disturbed here. The spot where the plaster of walls F.3323 and 3319 and that of the floor meet is (strangely) not disturbed by rodent holes, but nicely visible. The plaster of the floor is smeared up into this corner.
SCS finished her room fill unit (15168) in Space 345 and moved over to the northern part of the trench, where we will take out and level the upper parts of F.2429 and 2428. The upper parts of these walls are badly disturbed and thus blurred, the levelling might bring some clarification. We plan to also take out the features around Sp.446 (3320, 3321, 3322) after documenting them in order to check whether or not they were cutting the eastern part of the F.2428 and 2429 which might have formed the northeast corner of a building containing Sp.340, 341, 450, 449.
XHB continued working on F.3322. He cut the southern half of it, which was disturbed. The section made it clear that this feature has a mudbrick lining around a depression which was plastered over. Floor U.15170 does not run under it, but is smeared up against ist western part. Unfortunately the southern half was so disturbed that it was not possible any more to determine complete outlines and shape of F.3322.
LKH, before hurting her ankle and having to take a break from working, started taking out room fill in Space 448 = U.15178, which is north of the room fill U.15166.
I finished room fill U.15165 in Space 310 by exposing walls (plaster). The fill contains loads of pot sherds, articulated animal bone and x-finds just like the fill dug last year. Many of the x-finds cluster along the plaster of F.3301 and 5058, some west of F.3302. The corner between 3301 and 5058 is now nicely visible. The mudbrick curves in here by quite a bit, and plaster was put into this corner to even it out. The plaster of all walls, but especially that of 5058 is eroded and washed down with some finds sticking in it. Directly in the corner, pottery was clustering (15165.x15) and sticking in the plaster, probably parts of more than one pot. I might have seen two layers of plaster in 5058, which would not be strange as the northern part of this wall, exposed in 2008, does have two layers. As already said, though, the plaster is eroded and has finds sticking in it, so I am not absolutely sure about this so far. Will be checked when going down. Very interesting are clustering plaster lumps in between the buttresses, looking nearly linear because of the section cut here. Unfortunately the documention of 2008 does not tell me whether the fill of the northern part of that room also contained loads of that lumps, so that this was a larger layer of plaster lumps. It does not continue far into the southern part of the room, though. In any case, the lumps do not form any construction, they seem disposed or fallen from the walls.
When trying to expose plaster on F.2427, it turned out that only the upper ca.5-7cm of this wall are actually preserved, under it and also cutting into the southern face of F.3302 there is the reddish, loose fill that I already saw east of F.2427 and 5058 (15161). After seeing this I notices that the tile and stones that indicate that 15165 is still a disturbed unit were found in the easter part of Space 310, west of F.2427. Probably this part was disturbed, while the northern and western parts, where most of the artefact were found, are not. 15161 is a nightmare. I have no explanation for this disturbance so far, running INTO a wall. When drawing on Saturday, I will probably be able to determine ist outlines within Space 310 and then maybe get an idea. |