Entry: | Today I finished unit 15160 (total score of x-finds: 44) and opened the unit 15180 (being located directly under 15160) in space 449. This unit is the roomfill of my space. What I´m trying to do now is, with the help of Numan (I have a bit of a bad conscience to let a small boy like he his,and not eating and drinkink all day due to ramazan, do the tough work of pick axing and shoveling...) , to catch up with the others by going down to the level of the neighboring unit in northern direction, 15177. There are still some pottery sherds and bones coming out, very new obsidian, and nothing really exceptional, except some nice bone tools. At the moment I can`t see the difference between unit 15177 and 18180, Bela and I have the impression that the sherds, ascribed to different units, actually could belong together. I hope we can define the outlines of those units when Numan and I reached same level. As I am now parting from my (so far) favorite unit 15160, some thoughts at the end: I really think this cluster wth roomfill is some kind of dumping spot for household / kitchen garbage. The sheer amount of bone tools, big pottery vessels (there are several candidates for refitting, and several have fire traces) and the constant occurence of grinding stones and animal bones, especially costae and metapods (i didn`t count, this was just an impression while digging and taking out the finds) makes me thinking in this direction. I`m looking forward to the zooarchaeological analysis of the bones, wether and where the butchering traces are located. |