Entry: | Excavator's log, stardate 14082010. Did I say something about an important new job in my last log entry? As it turns out the boss changed his mind sometime between Thursday 3:00 pm and today 7:00 am. Sadly he forgot the part about the changing of mind and insists that his new plan was the plan all along. Whatever. Read my last entry and compare it with the following description of the new plan and you'll see. New plan: "Hack it out". Probably due to time management reasons and the big disturbance in the middle of the unit (nr. 15181) these two walls suddenly lost in importance and if we were to really nicely excavate a wall it would be another one. As I said: whatever. So I took the handpick and - being quite a bit annoyed to be told that I misunderstood the plan on Thursday, whereas I am absolutely sure I did not - set off to get 410 l of soil removed from its place. What a nice stress relief. I gathered finds, fragments of bones, obsidian, sherds, small stones - nothing spectacular, in my opinion all rather small - and they all got discarded by the boss. As I did not seperate the fill inbetween the walls from the walls themselves we cannot say anything about them being rather in the mudbrick or rather in the fill. I noticed though, that inbetween the mudbrick and the mortar often traces of phytolites appeared. When picking into a wall, nice chunks of mudbrick seperate cleanly along the mortar line - making my job a bit easier. Also the soil of the fill is notably softer than the mudbrick or the mortar (who would have guessed). Now there is a nice profile at the west end of the unit, where one can see several rows of sloping mudbricks, the fill and a meep-meep hole. In the planum it's much harder to see anything, partly the fill isdiscernible. Don't know what the plan for tomorrow is and wouldn't trust any announcements anyway, so I'll just see. SCS out. |