Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Richard Turnbull 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 8/22/1998 
Entry: 22/8/98
Excavated outer lining of oven at base [3627]. Planned and excavated outer structure of oven [3631] - before began to excavate could see layer of plaster & another layer below [ 3631] at S. end - When excavated [3631] became apparent that sitting within a cut & that this cut appeared to be for a storage bin set into the NW corner of space 150. The layers visible before below [ 3651 ] formed the remnants of the rim to the storage bin [ 3638 ] with a layer of plaster [ 3637 ] on the inside N. edge of the rim and down into the cut. Photographed the bin at this stage. Joseph filmed the bin at this stage and the bin in the SE corner. Planned and excavated the rim and the plaster [ 3637 ] & [ 3638 ]. Planned & recorded the cut for the bin [ ]. The cut strartigraphically cut into floor or occup. layers but underneath truncating fairly homogenous grey material - this appears similar to material visible at the E. end of the space. Hopefully this is the infill material below the floors/ocup. deposits. ( Plaster [ 3637 ] stratigraphically over [ 3390 ] so that does not now appear to be part of the oven structure.Entered By: Richard Turnbull 
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