Entry: | Excavator's log, Catal Date: Fifteenth of August Two thausend and ten anno domini. It's getting exciting. I continued pickaxing today and - 'lo! - what wonders were wont to appear. The walls 2428 and 2429 and the fill inbetween were rather nicely visible in the planum which's level I recorded on the unit sheet as "middle level" (documented as "end level of 15181 in the total station's log today). Interestingly enough they were cut by another wall at an angle of about 90° - or so it seems in the northern section of the trench. This wall has been elevated to the rank of an feature, number 3327. It seems to have plaster on both sides (East and West), though the plaster on the Eastern side is much easier to be sure of as there is a step downwards excavated, which is plastered . On the West side the plaster is only visible in the section of the trench and it forms a interrupted line. West to this wall seems to be a disturbance in the section of the trench, which destroys at least a part of wall 2429 and there is a disturbance in the planum that was excavated in 2008 and disturbes wall 2428 and 2429. Now, my theory about this assemblage is, that the disturbance in the section is the same as the partly excavated one in 2008 and it is a building trench, so that the new wall could be erected. The plaster line in the West may be unintentional backfill or maybe someone thought it a good idea to plaster a mudbrick wall, that was kinda "underground". This would fit the rest of the eastern part of the section of the trench, where I cannot discern any mudbrick and that then would be roomfill. It may well be that I am doing this plaster line a huge injustice by regarding it as coincidence but I got this idea just here while writing this diary and cannot check at the moment, how it looked in real life... Well, tomorrow I'm continuing to dig down one mudbrick layer, I hope, we will see more then. Though at first I have the unpleasant duty to report something that looks weird in the Western part of this unit on the new level - maybe I'm just chasing ghosts, but starting roughly at the fill inbetween the walls and continuing to the section of the trench the soil seems softer, darker and there are many small lumps of burnt clay and charcoal included. I fear another disturbance, but the plaster lines seemed still to be there - at least partly. Though I did not see them I think I was able to find them because of their different texture. Hopefully another thing that's going to be clarfied tomorrow. Exciting day tomorrow, can't wait. :-) SCS out. |