Entry: | Excavator’s log, 18th August 2010 Today was _so_ cool. ;-) I drew most of the unit 15181, which now consist of two walls (F. 2428 and 2429) running next to each other in a third wall, which cuts them at not quite 90 degrees (F. 3327), which in turn is cut by F. 3320 and is abutted by F. 5052. Crazy. One can actually see the 1-2cm gap between F. 5052 and F. 3327, though the gap between 2428 and 2429 is still shaky in some parts. A heavily interrupted but in its direction clear plaster line between 3327 and 3320 clarifies their relationship. For the time the workmen used to level the buttress 5052 to my planum I worked in space 310, where I went 10 cm deeper (unit 15335), starting north and working my way south, though I didn't get far, as there were a number of finds which I left in situ (sherds, bone, clayball) and I was called to contribute to our collection of videos. Nonetheless I had enough time to note that this roomfill is amazingly colourfull - yellow, orange, black, whitish-grey, red - I constantly thought I had hit an artefact. I have not yet dared to touch a spot of very loose soil (silty-like), that seemed to be coloured brown-black-brown with a very clear and straight line in between in the middlish eastern part of the space. Maybe it's just a ghost again, but it looks weird. Tomorrow I will finish the drawing of unit 15181, including the newly clarified buttress and afterwards I will probably continue in space 310. SCS out. |