Excavation Diary Entry

Name: JFB 
Date: 7/23/2011 
Entry: I continued to work on skeleton 15346 today, as on 21/7/2011 another layer of bones were found deep to where the thorax and some upper limb bones were located. This layer ended up being in situ with a typical Byzantine/Roman burial. The bones that were present and in a fairly undisturbed state were from the lumbar vertebrae down to the legs, as well as the forearms and hands folded across the pelvis. The feet bones were scattered a bit from where they should be, but considering that there are many animal burrows as well as plant roots in this area close to the surface, this is not surprising. So far, a cut for the burial has not been clearly seen, but I hope to see this when the bones are removed tomorrow and we can trowel the region to try and define the area. As for my previous entry about the body being in a north south orientation, now this body is in a west-east orientation. The upper body seems to have been rotated in different directions, either by the process of erosion in combination with animal disturbances, or some other human disturbance that was not seen as these remains were within 10 centimeters to 30 centimeters below the top soil. It is curious that the remains that had been moved down hill were still in a general area consistent with anatomical location in relation to each other, as well as some articulations still present. 
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