Excavation Diary Entry

Name: HLS 
Date: 7/24/2011 
Entry: Today I continued on U. 15355. It was slower work today since there were no workers on sieves so we had to sieve all the soil ourselves. This was probably especially limiting for those of us still moving large amounts of soil. The pit (F. 3331) has a lot of charcoal patches, which we sampled, and in the SE edge of the pit, as it stands at the moment, a line of charcoal clearly seperates two different colours of fill - a darker brown fill for the majority of the pit and a more yellow fill beyond the charcoal. There also seemed to be a concentration of pottery in this corner too, possibly related to those still in the undefined cut of U. 15353. It may be that the charcoal is helping to define a third pit in the area, which might explain the difficulty in defining the cut of U. 15353 yesterday. I will be searching for the western cut of the unit tomorrow before continuing down into the feature. 
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