Excavation Diary Entry

Name: EMM 
Date: 7/24/2011 
Entry: Today I continued working in space 449. Removing some roomfill (U 15362) in the western part of the space, there turned up some rather big lenses of pale yellowish clay, stretching from the South-West corner (F 5057, 3333) to the northern border of the unit, where space 450 is located. In front of the western wall (F 5057) appeared an antler. When leveling out the center of Unit 15362, it became clear at least that there we didn`t reach the floor yesterday. The center of Space 449 is characterized by lots of burned building material and dark soil, interestingly not mixed up with clayballs. Clayballs (15343)keep turning up in front of the northern wall (F 3326) as well as the southern wall (F 3333), the concentration at the eastern wall (F 3324) is still the highest, and the heap of clayballs there is also mixed up with some burned building material. When using the Pompa on the space, the different soil structures of space 449 became more visible than in dry condition. The eastern part is characterized by clayballs, mixed up small lumps of burned building material and small spots of pale yellowish clay. The centre doesn`t contain any clayballs so far, only quite a firm burned structure with bigger lumps of burned building material and small lumps of clay. In direction of F 3326 this burned darker soil fades and more clayballs are coming up. And, as already stated above, the western part of space 449 consist of large clay lenses, containing also some, but quite a few, clayballs. According to IF the clay lenses are raw material rather than a surface. I just wonder, why, if this is indeed the case, people were storing raw material in form of clayballs and clay lenses. This would only make sense if the composition of the clays were different. So it looks like we have at least 2 depositing events in this space: the clayballs, and the burned building material. Tomorrow I would like to expose the NW-part of space 449, to get the connection to space 450 and get to roughly one level in the entire space 449. 
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