Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Richard Turnbull 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 9/2/1998 
Entry: 2/9/98
Completed excavation of [ 3766 ] up to baulk. This left exposed an area of burning [ 3769 ] - dark brown, ashy grey and white material - some kind of hearth? Took this off then excavated material underneath [ 3770 ] - light brown silt/clay which interpreted as structural material for the hearth - some kind of packing?
This was sitting within a cut [ 3771]. This feature extended beyond the baulk to the west and the edge of excavation to the north. Then continued excavating the floor at the E. end of the trench - continuing on from [ 3751 ]- ( cont. as [ 3772 ] ). At this end the layer much thinner - generally no more than 1cm and not clear whether more than one layer or not - appeared massive. When removing this floor was one small area 0.10m * 0.10m approx. where different material - plaster and ashy occup. material , with bone frags.
Taken off as part of [ 3772 ] though probably should have had a separate unit no. - although couldn’t have sratigraphically have related it to [ 3722 ]. Adjacent to where animal bones came from in [ 3751 ].
Began excavating another patch of plaster at this end of trench [ 3775 ].
When removed just remainder of [ 3712 ] to excavate and material to west of baulk then all infill.Entered By: Richard Turnbull 
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