Entry: | 7/9/98 Working on strip o f floors to space 151, between baulk and clean area. Trying to establish where edges are and identify units. Material definitely peeling off of plaster face on edge of ‘clean’ area. Took one strip of material curved round the edge of pit [ 3723 ] - no idea how to interpret it although in some respects similar to the fill [ 3721 ]. Then took off layer of floors [ 3794 ]. Worked this back from a clear edge to the east that I’d identified. To west came back to edge of plaster of clean area - excavated to N. - appears to equate with floor excavated to east of baulk [ 3766 ]. At the N. end of unit however, towards the edge of excavation took off a wedge of material that probably strictly not part of this series of floors - although they did come away from a plaster face - layers apparently part of clean area plaster layers ?? Visible in section on N. edge of excavation.Entered By: Richard Turnbull |