Excavation Diary Entry

Name: CMB 
Date: 7/31/2011 
Entry: Unit 15379 is similar to unit 15357 and belongs probably to the same “fill”. The layer is very disturbed both by animal burrows and a lot of pits. Walls seem to be present but it’s difficult to say if there are in situ or if it’s a result of destruction; because of perturbations, we see only parts of this structure and limits are not clear. Two photos on the section are taken of this probable wall (North and South). The apparent height is respectably on 1006.435 and 1006.567. No sample was taken because it was difficult to find an undisturbed space. Northwest of the area, an unperturbed burial has been found (15390: skeleton, 15391: fill, 15392: cut). This feature seems to cut a pit, but the limits of this pit are not visible on the plan or the section. A lot of stones are present in the fill and many pottery and animals bones. Some human bones on the west part could be announced as another burial, especially as many large red tiles have been found in this place and some stones could maybe outline a burial. It important to note that numerous ground stones are been found (8) even if their presence in this disturbed context (pit, walls, burrows) indicate that they probably aren’t in situ and that they belong to an unsecure context. 
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