Excavation Diary Entry

Name: JHB 
Date: 8/1/2011 
Entry: Unit 15359 is completed. Orignially it was thought that 15359 would be a quick unit, taking down the ~30cm stepp left over from previous excavations down to the same level as the adjacent roomfill. However, it soon turned interesting/complicated. Notably, in the northern part of the unit, F3346 and F5051 have yielded exciting information. 3346 is a mudbrick construction feature/furniture installation/bench that abutts the northern wall of space 342 (F5051). 3346 has a thick section of plaster along the eastern edge (~10cm). The meeting of 3346 and 5051 is interupted by a pit that appears to belong to the Chalcolithic, as myself and JMR are inclined to see it so far. This pit has burnt mudbrick around the edges and contains disarticulated mudbrick within/beneath it. PFB has suggested that this pit could be a hearth/firepit. At the southern end of 3346, a smaller extension of plastered mudbirck continues until about 15 cm before the buttress. A strange attribte of 3346 is that the thick plaster on the sides does not extend down very deep (only ~ 13cm) and it ends before any visible contact with a floor. Today we began to follow what may be a surface in the roomfill, if not a floor, within space 342. We have started to remove the remaing above-surface roomfill (unit 15360). The surface may be a floor, however this is as yet unclear. Tomorrow we (myself and CMB) will continue to remove this thin layer of fill to expose the surface across the entirety of 342. 
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