Excavation Diary Entry

Name: JHB 
Date: 8/2/2011 
Entry: Today CMB and I continued to excavate unit 15360 and romove the fill episode that defines it. At the base of 15360, two areas were identified, with a ~15cm strip running between them. These units appear to be fill. In the northeastern area of 342, unit 16938 lies. Unit 16939 is in the southwest of 342, with unti 16940 running between them. In order to get a better understanding of the stratigraphic relationship between these units, a 30cm x 50cm window was dug into an area that contains all three units.. The window was dug ~15-20 cm deep. The window showed that 16940 is the lastest/highest fill. Near the end of the day, this it was removed. Tomorrow, we will excavate the other two fill units. In addtion to working within 342, CMB and I cut the western profil wall of the trench, about 1m to the west of 342. After the profile cut, we were able to recognize a wall, one not too far below the surface (~30-40cmbs). JMR beliees this wall belongs to he next building to the west of 342's building. If this is the case, we can still expect to find 342's westtern wall, which hopefully will happen tomorrow. 
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