Excavation Diary Entry

Name: RHB 
Date: 8/2/2011 
Entry: today I resumed excavating U. 15385 with JFB. At the moment the skeleton seems to be of a baby and very far down and disturbed. Because of its depth and narrow size it is quite awkward to excavate but nevertheless is providing an interesting and very different method of excavation to what I have previously been doing which is a great experience. As it is a baby burial and the bones are so small and delicate we have decided to the float the soil from within the grave. I actually had an introduction to the heavy residue sorting process this morning so it is interesting to see more of the post excavation processes that are happening during the excavation and will happen to the soil that we are collecting from this unit. We have left some bones in situe but they are isolated from the rest of the skeleton and we have also found 6 nails so far, hopefully tomorrow more of the undisturbed skeleton will be found before the burial gets to deep. 
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