Excavation Diary Entry

Name: RHB 
Date: 8/3/2011 
Entry: Today I continued excavating U.15385 with JFB. The burial is very far down and although at first we thought it was a disturbed baby burial it actually seems like there are the remains of two bodies, one baby and one juvenile aged around 6. This second skeleton is less disturbed than the baby burial which was a welcome relief although there still seems to be quite a bit of animal disturbance and many of the bones are not in the expected places. It was very interesting to try and uncover the different bones and work out the relationship between them working from those that were already visible, as was watching the skull slowly being uncovered by JFB. Due to the disturbance, depth of the burial and delicacy of the bones it was necessary to excavate very delicately and therefore slowly. At the end of the day I was also asked to excavate a small section below U.15174 in case there was a floor in space 345 due to an odd section of plaster sloping away from the wall. Along the East wall I excavated a narrow strip but unfortunatley I could not find any evidence of a floor in this area. 
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