Entry: | I spent the first part of the morning today helping at the Palaeobotany lab, a task which from now until the end of the season I will combine with excavation out on the field.
The situation on Space 446 has not progressed much with respect to yesterday. The only work that was carried out on it today was the scratching of the surface of Unit 15388 to the north of the 'doorstep' (Unit 16941) that was found yesterday between Spaces 452 and 446. This revealed that, for the time being, the presence of a floor of similar characteristics to the ones found in the northern half of Space 446 cannot be confirmed. Only three large lumps of a flatish plaster material (found at a distance from one another) could be observed in this unit, whilst the rest of it is made up of a heterogeneous fill of a dark orange brown colour and sandy texture. The area was cleaned up for a photograph which will be taken tomorrow morning.
I also briefly worked with ER in the dismantling of wall F. 3334 (units 16925 and 16926). Mortar from this wall was collected for flotation analyisis. For further details on this wall, see ER's diary and the corresponding Unit sheets. The dismantling of this wall will be of particular interest for understanding F. 3320, its connection to buttresss 5057 and whether or not U. 16941 should be interpreted as a doorway into Space 446. |