Entry: | I have continued to excavate unit 15360. It is composed of a first layer (≈10cm) characterized by a dark and fine sediment. An orange loose layer (≈20cm) follows the fill; some finds has been registered (bones, pottery, obsidian) but this level seems to be very disturbed (animal burrows). The third layer, greyish-brown sediment (at least 20cm), is quite heterogeneous. At nearly 40cm, I noted a piece of orange clay separated by about ten cm. A photo has been taken. At 50 cm, some stones are present (see another photo) but I think this material belongs to the fill of the pit and not to a structure/feature. Inside of this layer, some human bones appeared and it’s very possible that a baby and an adult are present. Therefore, the end of the pit excavation might take more time that it was expected. It is possible that these parts of skeleton belong to one or two burials but if it is the case, these features are probably disturbed. |