Entry: | Craig 15-4-99
Escaped the south-west corner and moved to the south-east. Discovered that way back in 1997 Roddy hadn’t properly bottomed post retrieval pit [2712]. He removed the main fill (2711) but not a lower plaster fill (4141) and a bone cluster including articulated cattle vertebrae (4142). These are interesting as they indicate specific demolition/abandonment activities. Hopefully it may be possible to link them with the abandonment activities that were excavated in 1997.
Then moved on to (4144) the makeup for platform F.287. Seems fairly normal but the platform is difficult to understand as it has been excavated by at least three different people in three different seasons. We excavate slowly to gain the maximum information but that very slowness leads to massive discontinuities in the record and presents major interpretation / post-excavation problems. Removing (4144) revealed a possible narrow north-south wall underneath that looks interesting.Entered By: Craig Cessford |