Excavation Diary Entry

Name: JHB 
Date: 8/8/2011 
Entry: Today we successfully found the limits of the house that space 342 belongs to. Well, I didn't actually find the western and southern walls that provided the delineation of the building, but since I have been working in space 342 for some time, I feel that I can claim myself as a resident of building 105. Within 342, today CMB and I excavated unit 16965, a small mudbrick layer abutting the northern buttress. After removing this unit, we concluded that the two separate units that we were excavating yesterday (16958 & 16959) were the same unit and only covered by the mudbricks. We took out the remaining fill of 16959 (under the mudbricks). Beneath this fill, we have defined unit 16966, another layer of fill that appears to span most of space 342. Within 16966 are several yellowish mudbricks and large lumps og painted wall plaster, with at least two episodes of plastering/painting visible (along the eastern wall). The goal for 16966 is to quickly remove this fill, first exposing the brick and plaster, and then getting beneath this layer. I have a feeling that a floor should be not too far beneath 16966. A floor, to provide a closed context, would be the ideal way to complement the newly christened building 105. 
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