Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 4/22/1999 
Entry: Craig 22-4-99

End of second full week and Building 2 is finished (well nearly). Pete and I spent the day taking off a 0.2m spit of infilling (4205) beneath the building. We made quite good progress and have revealed elements of the building below. Mid afternoon I struck an obsidian cache (4209) which made a lovely sound as my mattock struck the obsidian. Cache (4209) consisted of 40 large pieces of roughly worked obsidian plus an ornate but broken bone ring, they were tightly grouped as if in an organic container. The crucial question is whether they deposited in the infilling or were in a cut from Building 2 which I missed. I favour the first option, obviously because it makes me look better. My main reasons are that the shape of the edges of the cluster varied as it went down , it started as an north-south oval, became a west-east oval and ended up as a circle. This is peculiar behaviour for a cut but makes sense if they were deposited in a bag during infilling. Also the matrix around them was clean and like the infilling rather than the ashy rake-outs etc above in Building 2, perhaps we should prioritise this to see if the specialists agree or disagree.

We still have some cleaning up and recording to do but hopefully in a couple of days we will be finished with this area.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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