Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Arek Klimowicz 
Date: 7/9/2012 
Entry: The 9th of July was even better than the 8th.
We have started removing the remnants of the deposit 19390 that was left intentionally by us approximately 10cm along the walls in order to protect plasters. During the excavation we revealed whole Eastern and 1/3 of Southern and Northern walls, exposing plaster that appeared to be preserved in diverse quality.
Additionally, during exposing the huge piece of scapula (described yesterday) we were able to evidence a fragments of white-greyish floor around the bone. The discovery indicates that scapula was placed/left originally on the floor. However we abandoned revealing whole surface of the mentioned layer due to priority of cleaning rests of u. 19390 from the walls.
Our activity put more light on the walls and their positions as well as on the diverse quality of plaster preservation. Namely, the northern wall appeared to be slumped toward the south just as the Southern one. That observation might be related with described yesterday unstable position of architectural structures that probably started slumping and be unstable in consequence of unknown event or factor.
When I took a closer look at the Northern wall a hypothesis came to my mind that after the event, which caused damages in architecture, and after deliberate dumping the space 470, people in the past could erect adjacent wall just along previous one and that is why we evidence two parallel walls (double wall) running E-W in the Northern part of the excavated area (those between Shrine 8 and space 470). That might explain the query whether (and how) the space 470 was related with Shrine 8. The issue might only be investigated by finding the crawl-hole in the wall. It is also highly possible that southern wall of Shrine 8 was erected later then northern wall of Space 470 (e.g. it might have been set on the existing floor of the Shrine) after the stabilizing episode. 
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