Entry: | Building 6 Space 163
With the 1960’s backfill removed a series of truncated features have now become apparent. The area was immediately planned and placed within the confines of the current grid. In the south-east corner there appears to be an excavated post retrieval pit cut 4171. This has been emptied and recorded archaeologically.
At the south centre of the baulk there was a Fire Installation F.416 which has now been excavated cut 4178. This fire installation seems to be recorded on Mellaart’s final plans of this area. There appears to be at least two phases to this FI and early environmental processing has retrieved fire cracked clay balls, typical oven lining and animal bone frags. This FI also appears to truncate the remains of a platform base to the west.
Immediately north of F.416 is another oven, possibly of an earlier date as it doesn,t make an appearance on the 1960’s plans. This too was half sectioned and recorded, then fully emptied and planned.
The badly truncated remains of a platform F 427 against the north wall presented a different problem. I decided to take off all the outer plaster mainly preserved to the east of the platform to reveal uncontaminated deposits. This produced two juvenile cow horns and a bead or ring. It also revealed a post retrieval pit which has now been excavated, and two basin bases, one of which contains possible fill.
The platform seems to be constructed out of successive plaster and silty layers which are proving hard to define.
The platform was truncated to the east in the 1960’ and has revealed a possible set of substantial ovens, clay fired and overlain by occasional fill.
There is also possible floor make up of differing heights throughout the room some with little or no relationship with the actual truncated features remaining.
In the north-west corner of Space 163 is another possible basin or bin with again only the basin remaining. Other features are sure to follow.Entered By: Charlie Newman |