Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Jez Taylor 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 4/25/1999 
Entry: Jez Taylor. 25/04/1999.
A brief account of today 's events: Following on from yesterday afternoon , we continued excavation of wall F.299 , to the south of Space 115. This has now been sub-divided into: (4211) brick , (4212) mortar , (4213) wall , and (4217) plaster , all of which has , or will , be sampled accordingly. F299 is overlapped towards it 's eastern limit , and abutted to the north , by wall F406. Stratigraphically , F406 should have been removed first , but F299 has been in imminent danger of collapse , so we decided it was more practical to excavate F299 out of sequence. Damage sustained by the wall , include a large split about 2.5m. from the western limit , and a "lean" to the south , clearly visible at the wall 's surface. This had already resulted in a wooden support frame being positioned on the southern side , to prevent collapse. Using small picks , we excavated the wall down to a max. depth of 0.43m. , and replanned the outer edges , defining the difference in plan at this level , to the initial drawing at the surface. We are now continuing excavation , and will have removed the wall by tomorrow morning. Changing the subject - conservator Kent , has continued excavation around the cattle horn core in the SE. corner of Space 115 , and is now waiting for it to dry , before attempting to chemically harden , and remove the bone.Entered By: Jez Taylor 
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