Entry: | Have been excavating a huge ( by Catal standards ) unit over the last week with Jez (4121). We have now more or less finished that off - the only parts remaining to be excavated are the step we left in to provide access to Building 2, and the part of the unit underlying the cattle horn core, which we hope can be lifted in the next few days , pending the arrival of resin. This is not the end of the midden though; we have just come down to a convinient horizon and since the main purpose of starting to dig in the midden was to free the walls to the S. we have called a halt here. We are left within this space ( 115 ) with a large lump of what looks like collapsed wall orientated N-S which has the appearance of having collapsed from west to east. It is composed of grey bricks and white mortar and we are fairly certain that the midden material left within this space is stratigrahically overlying this. The midden material we are coming down to now appears more clayey generally than 4121 and maybe contains more collapse/demolition material. If we get to excavate more midden in this space I suspect we might find a N-S wall on the same alignment as the collapsed material.
Today we have started tackling the eroded walls to the south of the midden. We have begun excavating wall F.299 -( unit no.s; 4211 brick, 4212 mortar, 4213 wall and 4217 wall plaster ). We are excavating these walls in reverse order stratigraphically - 299 should be the last to go but it is easier to excavate like this. The evidence for the sequence of these walls is that wall 299 has plaster on it's N-facing face, abutted in turn by a slither of wall material also with plaster, and this is abutted in turn by two sections of wall also with plaster.
insert wall unit no.s when know what they are?Entered By: Richard Turnbull |