Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Maciej Chylenski 
Date: 7/19/2012 
Entry: Things got pretty complicated in our little “midden mine” since my last entry. If anybody have been reading it, they may remember the lots of things that were puzzling our little team, and the few things we were sure of. Oh the vanity and ignorance of the archeologists stating that they are sure of something. It appears that that the only relation between the walls of our space that we were thinking that we determined, that is the one between as we though older F.3623 and younger F.3624 was only a delusion. As soon as we started removing the latter we found out that its bricks are not half bricks lying alongside the first mentioned wall but full sized ones on top of which we have at least one row of bricks from the F.3623. Which is quite confusing as that wall is much higher (and deeper) then represented by just two row of bricks F. 3624 (which appears to partly lay on the midden filling our space and partly on what we thought to be lower part of F.3623.

Since our little discovery couple people had a look at both walls and proposed at least half a dozen of interpretations, varying from the both walls being phases of reconstructions of one and same wall to being actually three constructions laying more or less on each other. Either way the relation we thought to have figured out is still a riddle

In the mean time we are still emptying the midden 1 ton a day hoping that we will find the explanation buried somewhere under hundreds of buckets of prehistoric trash.
And how it’s going, you ask? (I know you’re not, but I’ll answer anyway). Well so far we have got to totally improbable and unexpected walls going more or less EW both meeting (or not) at small angle somewhere deeper under our midden. The first F.3646 located approximately about 0,4 m from the border of our space (defined by the wall F.3626 that appear be later construction lying on top of the midden), could be interpreted as actual outer wall of older building we are desperately looking for.
But then, today came up “the surprise wall of the week” lying just a few centimeters (take that non-metric system users) south from F.3626. And if it wouldn’t be enough it has plaster on its N elevation indicating some closed space N from it, which (with all the walls and building 77 being in that direction) we can’t just imagine.

Just to make things fair, I have to mention that finally I had an occasion to excavate a burial F.3644, as we found juvenile neolithic individual. Probably a part of previously excavated burial F. 3622 from under N platform of building 108. The skeleton was really poorly preserved, nevertheless for me personally, the experience was important not because the practice I was hoping to gain, but also because being in very close proximity to one of the settlement inhabitants allowed me in some way humanize (or re-humanize –I think I just made that word up) the site in my mind. 
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