Entry: | The fact that B.98 surprised us with a nice plaster floor with in situ artefacts on it is not only really nice, but also completely changes the strategy for this season. B.98 was supposed to be excavated to the end and be sitting on a midden; excavating this midden would have been the main aim for this season as we never had a midden on the West Mound. Now there is no midden, instead B.98 will require some more careful excavation. It will be really interesting to see what comes under it, but discovering and documenting the building might time the larger part of the season.
A Skype conversation with PFB today brought the conclusion that we take our time with B.98 and instead start removing B.107, which is completely finished, and also B.106. The latter is not yet completely emptied of sand bags, and also we only really clarified its walls in the southern part of the building in the last hours of the last season; so we might clean it and have another look at it and scrape around in a few places before hacking it out. |