Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Jez Taylor 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 5/2/1999 
Entry: Jez Taylor. 02/05/1999.
Richard and myself , have now joined Craig in Space 164. Our excavation of wall F.406 , (which runs e-w across the upper northern limit of Space 164) , has been delayed. Initially , this was because of the conservation work being done on the cattle horn core in the south-east corner of Space 115 , but after this was removed yesterday morning , we realised that continued excavation of F.406 , could damage plaster adhering to the south-facing wall in Space 164 , which lies beneath F.406. This has meant that recording sections , and excavating the plaster , have become priorities. We have made a start on the east-facing section , and should have this completed tomorrow morning. We will then move on to the more complex south-facing section , which when completed , will free up F.406. Today we have decided to swap work sessions around , so we are doing paperwork between 12.45 and 3pm. , instead of between 5 and 7pm. We made this decision mid. morning , after the workmen moved into Space 165 to dig out the backfill. I’ts been hard to concentrate on the drawing in the hot sunshine , and this has been compounded by the loud discussions going on. Not usually a problem , but something we could do without today. I can’t remember if I mentioned this before , but three working days ago , I completed excavation of wall repair (4224) , which included plaster facing (4264). This was a wall repair to the north face of e-w wall F.299 , which had split away , probably in antiquity. The repair was unusual , in that it had a plaster face , which would have been on the outside of the building. However , the plaster was a single deposit rather than many applications , and as Shahina pointed out , it may represent a construction process between F.299 , and the wall immediately to the north , which as yet has no number.Entered By: Jez Taylor 
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