Excavation Diary Entry

Name: A. klimowicz 
Date: 7/22/2012 
Entry: I have not written in my diary for 4 days, mainly because there were number of events in the dig-house and its surroundings. Just to mention the most important: community day on Wednesday, Thursday’s “Night Fever”, contributing local shops in KONYA on Friday, and last but certainly not least ground stone party in the depots.

Nevertheless, our excavating area (space 470) as well as its records also brought abundant of new concepts, hypothesis, and a remarkable clarification.

But from the beginning:
1. We decided to set a new space number [487] for the structure located above 470. The younger space would be thus aligned with walls 4098, 3701, 3700, and fragmentarily preserved F.7053. The latter had been executed by us in last Wednesday in N-Western part of the space 470.
The new structure (Sp.487) might be more familiar with the Room 3 or in other words antechamber to Shrine 8 in level VII according to Mellaart’s plans. Consequently, we may assume that the fragment of floor [19388] evidenced on 3rd -4th of July on the western face of wall F.3701 marks the same settlement horizon (level VII, room 3 by Mellaart).

2. Since the commencement of the season it was unclear and always confusing why there is a double wall between Shrine 8 (B.7, space 176) and space 470. It was strange even more because the latter structure was considered to be the antechamber of the great shrine. Why thus there are two parallel walls that divide implicit one structure?

I had many hypotheses but one of them appeared to be the most reliable on last Wednesday, when during cleaning small area after execution of wall 7050 I noticed a thin plaster aligned to a wall [F. 7052]. The plaster was evidently related with the Northern face of latter wall, and its presence put a light in particular on actual nature of the mentioned feature. Accordingly, it seems that the wall (7052), plastered from both sides must have been inside a big building, dividing its internal spaces on several spaces. However after (or just before) the slumping episode inhabitants erected second wall (F.445) and deliberately dumped small southern space (470) due to its demolition.

The concept was put by me on 9th of July (see cited below diary post):

“(…) When I took a closer look at the Northern wall a hypothesis came to my mind that after the event (episode), which caused damages in architecture, and after deliberate dumping the space 470, people in the past could erect adjacent wall just along previous one and that is why we evidence two parallel walls (double wall) running E-W in the Northern part of the excavated area (those between Shrine 8 and space 470). That might explain the query whether (and how) the space 470 was related with Shrine 8 (…). It is also highly possible that southern wall of Shrine 8 was erected later then northern wall of Space 470 (e.g. it might have been set on the existing floor of the Shrine) after the stabilizing episode.”

Still we need to clarify the case of the crawl-hole / niche in the wall F. 445. That is why we are going to excavate the feature tomorrow. 
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