Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Malwina Brachmanska 
Date: 7/29/2012 
Entry: After finishing the burial I again started to explore Sp. 469. We had to take off next layers in purpose to find the earliest one, find out when the partition wall was built and recover the connection beetwen sp. 365 and sp.469. The task ends with succeess. Not only we reveal the layer which goes through the whole sp. 469 (U.20346) but also we find a layer of plaster, burnt on the central and north part of space, goes under it (U.20347). In adittion under a plaster is a make – up (U. 20363) which is the layer common for the whole building 97. And the partition wall's cuts were made in that make-up layer. We suppose that U. 20362 is the last one layer of our building.
While boys still digging I came to Christine and we explored the burial which we had knew that was in the east one of the norths holes. We probably have an adult women. The skeleton is put in the flexed position with its head on the west. What we find interesting are two additional bones (tibia and ulna) putted on the skeleton legs. Is it a possibility that we will find the third burial in the same cut? The loose leg's bone could be the sign of it. But it also could be the part of the previous burial.
We will know more when Chriss remove the skeleton.
Today mostly I digged the posthole staying in the middle of east wall. Our team also explored (yesterday and today) the partition wall's fills and cuts. Onur took carbon samples for nearly each of it apart the southest one, as there was no carbon in it. I suppose tomorrow we started a big task: removing the U. 20362. We need much strenght an strong will to do it but I belive in our team. 
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