Entry: | 20124 -120 pieces of obsidian (88 Nenezi Dağ [73%], 32 East Göllü Dağ [27%])
ND - 50 pressure-flaked blades, 5 thicker (early series?) blades, 25 non-cortical flakes, 4 exhausted cores, 3 flakes off the face of blade cores, 1 larger opposed platform blade fragment (retouched).
EGD - 23 pressure-flaked blades, 4 blade-like flakes, 5 non-cortical flakes.
Flint - one piece; a broken translucent orange chert pressure-flaked blade (distal)
Synopsis - quite typical of infill assemblages in terms of being highly fragmented; the material is not particularly worn, so likely of broadly similar date (i.e. Not significantly older material being re-deposited). It does however lack any of the special (‘characterful’) objects that one often witnesses being included in the infilling of earlier buildings at Çatalhöyük. The assemblage is - typically – dominated by obsidian and in terms of raw material proportions and technical traditions is broadly comparable to TP.M-N material, i.e. Is related mainly to the manufacture of pressure-flaked blades (varying widths suggest more than one technique). Nenezi Dağ products dominate, with true end-products and associated knapping debris including exhausted cores, while the East Göllü Dağ is primarily in the form of blades, with limited if any associated production debris. |