Excavation Diary Entry

Name: Craig Cessford 
Team: Çatal 
Date: 5/12/1999 
Entry: A bit ani-climatic after yesterdays marathon session. Cleaned up and photographed. Jez and Richard began base planning. Mellaarts level X building 8 (our building 18) is now numbered spaces 171 (Souithern) and 172 (northern). Its walls are 467 (western), 468 (northern), 469 (eastern) and 470 (southern). It has an internal west-east wall dividing space 171/172 numbered 471, a bin 466 and two ovens 472 and 473. Mellaart describes a long narrow room along the north side with strongly built grain bins (1963 report page 70 mis-numbered X.1) which fits with wall 471 and bin 466. Apart from that he just mentions traces of painting, possibly geometric kilim, on the north and east walls. I am now playing with the upper eastern wall 449 for a while so level X will have to wait.Entered By: Craig Cessford 
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