Excavation Diary Entry

Name: DLG 
Date: 8/12/2012 
Entry: I continued knocking out the room fill today and am again amazed at the volume of finds from the unit. The finds seem to begin roughly 10-15 cm below the surface, and as I traveled north along the unit, I began noticing more patches of light brown burned mud brick and white plaster. This was most interesting near the east buttress where it appears that the white and tan lines sloped upwards against the buttress. CMF joined me in the afternoon and it was nice to have some company working alongside me in the trench. We moved much quicker with two people rather than one. It would likely only take half a day to finish the rest of the room fill.

I also wore one of the head mounted cameras that AC brought with her. It is a relatively simple device and did not interfere much with my digging. I tried to work as naturally as possible while wearing the device as well. It was almost as useful for capturing the chatter in the trench as it was for documenting my excavation, but I cannot say too much about it before I see the actual video itself. It will be interesting because I am not digging the room fill slowly, but am using a big pick to smash through most of it. Thus the footage will show a lot of pottery and bones being broken in the process. Hopefully it will also show some things such as the aforementioned sloping lines of mud brick and plaster--features that will be mentioned in the unit sheet, but will not appear visually elsewhere. 
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