Excavation Diary Entry

Name: GWN 
Date: 8/13/2012 
Entry: The refreshing of southern wall started today. After scraping the corner connecting southern and western wall we decided to open new units (17297 and 17298) in order to understand the layered plastering of the walls. As the scraping revealed new situation the discussion about the number of plastered layers over the wall has been started. My opinion is that they were using only two layers (despite JMR who thinks there are three), one to apply the plaster background on which later a second layer was added with varying thickness (in order vertically to flatten the wall uneven by the different mudbrick sizes or width). The burnt layer above compact soil bottom level is also visible on this wall, but it disappears after scratching the plaster. This confirms that the burnt level of ‘fill’ was not going bellow the wall as it was not clear on the western wall. Anyway, the level bellow the burnt layer still confuses us as there are a lot of plastered remains within. Therefore we decided tomorrow to open a new section in this south-western corner as couple of questions about building modes appeared. The rest of excavation period we spent in brushing (third/fourth since I’m here:-) of the complete building 98 floor for 3D photos.

The work on figurines continued. I was doing the final overview before we move them tomorrow in lithics lab. There will be much more space to sort them and group into basic corporeality types. Some figurines are amazing as they provide new excellent information for Western Mound practices considering human and animal representations. Today we also had nice visit Boncuklu Hoyuk site (which is 1000 older than Catalhoyuk, as it was hundreds of times asserted by the team members and information tables, especially that this is a site of ancestors of human beings:-). I had opportunity to meet Lucy and to discuss with her the wonderful few figurines they found on this site. I was so much interested in the corporeality principles before Catalhoyuk people settled Konya Plain. It seems that some perspectives on embodiment were not changed for at least 3000 years. 
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